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Boone Elementary and Lincoln Elementary Library - 2 grants totaling $4996
Fiction and Non-Fiction Books for the buildings' library
Ms. Nicole Bryant, the librarian, was awarded two grants that will provide new, high-interest fiction ($2496) and new non-fiction ($2500) books for the students to read for pleasure as well as classroom teachers to use with the curriculum in their classrooms. Students will find more titles relevant to their world in the library.
Cuivre Park Elementary – Classroom Library Expansion – 2 grants totaling $2000
Ms. Cassie Johnson ($1000) and Ms. Emily Huber ($1000) are expanding their3rd grade classrooms libraries to provide a larger variety of high-interest books that students can use with the guided reading curriculum. Students who read a lot of books on a regular basis are more likely to continue reading throughout their lives. Cuivre Park third graders will be motivated and encouraged to read with a vast selection of high interest, challenging texts available at their fingertips!
Lincoln Elementary – Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Collections – 2 grants totaling $5000
Ms. Chrissy Troutman ($2500) and Ms. Kimberly Holder ($2500) are expanding the resources in their classrooms for small reading groups. With their grants, they will be receiving Fountas and Pinnell First Grade Guided Reading Collections Release 1 and Release 2. Together, these collections will provide 6 copies each of 200 original titles, totaling 1200 books. These books are engaging original texts. Lesson plans are provided and promote higher level questioning and fluency work. These books will be loved and read by all first graders at Lincoln Elementary.
Lincoln Elementary– Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Sets– $2461
Ms. Rachel Stear was awarded a grant to provide books for students who are not growing sufficiently in reading with Leveled Literacy Intervention. These books are specifically leveled, and chosen by the reading specialist, to incorporate more text into student book boxes. These resources provide more opportunity for teachers and specialists to work together to improve reading growth through intense shared reading plans.
Main Street Elementary– Library eBooks– $2059
Ms. Sharon Schlup was awarded a grant to purchase non-fiction e-books to allow students to read anytime - anywhere. E-books provide a level field for students. They provide interactive enrichment for the everyday reader and accessibility tools for the struggling student. E-books play a part in teaching the 21st Century skills that are necessary for students to have in the world outside of the school system.
Troy South Middle School– Play-A-Ways - Library Books with Audio MP3– $2500
Ms. Lisa Toebben was awarded $2500 to purchase Play-A-Ways, preloaded MP3 players that are paired with a book. Play-A-Ways provide differentiated access to library books which in turn aid in closing the literacy gap between learners by promoting independent literacy involvement. They provide a simple way for emerging and struggling readers, auditory and special education learners, and English as a Second Language patrons to develop and build on literacy skills. Play-A-Ways help readers improve reading comprehension and retention, expand vocabulary, and build phonemic awareness and fluency.
William Cappel Elementary– Reading Sanctuary Library Space– $2440
Ms. Lisa Larson was awarded a grant to help build “A Reading Sanctuary”. This plan will revitalize the library, creating displays of interest and a reading area which sends the message that reading is important and provides students with comfortable conditions in which to read. We envision a place that draws students in and engages them intellectually and emotionally.
Cuivre Park Elementary– PLTW Launch Expansion– 3 grants totaling $6955
The following three grants were awarded to expand Project Lead the Way(PLTW) curriculum for all students: Ms. Emily Huber for K-2nd grade ($2302); and Ms. Becky Thornhill for 3rd – 5th grade ($2373) and for 5th-grade robotics ($2280). PLTW gives all students a chance to explore their interest in the fields of science, technology, math, and engineering (STEM). With the world transforming, it is imperative that we expose our students to STEM ideas and help prepare them for jobs that do not yet exist. Beyond preparing students for the next level of education and future careers, the outcome of PLTW will have an immediate effect on student confidence and academic achievement in these fields.
Lincoln Elementary– Guided Math Kits– $2352
Ms. Chrissy Troutman and Ms. Kimberly Holder are supplementing the current math instruction with a grant for guided math kits. These kits allow for whole group mini-lessons, teacher-led small groups, and center rotations. They are research-based, support personalized learning, and cover all first-grade standards. By differentiating math instruction, all Lincoln students can be successful.
Troy Buchanan High School – LabQuest 2 devices and other sensors– 5 grants totaling $11,806
Five grants were awarded to the TBHS Science department to provide a total of 30 LabQuest 2 devices and various sensors. Recipients were Ms. Nicole Williams ($2278), Ms. Whitney Schuenemeyer ($2303), Ms. Molly Turpin ($2303), Ms. Brittney Kniepmann ($2461), and Ms. Angela Juergensmeyer ($2461). Funding of these grants provides science students at TBHS the opportunity to participate in hands-on, real world, science laboratory experimentation. The use of the LabQuest 2 and the various probes allows students to gather real scientific data from which they are able to solve problems and draw conclusions.
Troy Buchanan High School – Anatomy and Physiology Action/Reaction Lab – $2421
Ms. Stacey Flieg was awarded a grant to give students engaging and exciting laboratory experiences which allow them to learn about how the human body works. These laboratory kits will give our students the opportunity to investigate the relationships between the nervous and muscular systems, two systems that provide fascinating and vital functions for the human body. It is by learning and understanding that our students build their confidence to pursue post-high school goals that find rewarding, challenging, and fulfilling.
Troy Middle School – VEX Robotics Parts, Motors, and Cortexes– 3 grants totaling $7402
Dr. Amy Spears was awarded three grants to expand the activities in her PLTW Engineering classes as well as the VEX Robotics student teams. Students would have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of Robotics and have more hands-on experiences. This would allow students to spend more time with the Robotics curriculum, thus gaining more critical thinking and creativity skills. This grant has the potential to impact 380 students each year.
Troy Buchanan High School– Marching Band Sound Equipment– $2500
Mr. Chris Barchesky and Mr. Eric Blankenship are ensuring that our students are given the same competitive and educational opportunities as other band programs and schools our size. Electronics and amplified audio have become a major component of most marching band shows. The Trojan Pride Marching Band frequently competes against and performs with bands that utilize substantial sound systems to enhance and add musical impact to their shows. Additionally, this system will serve as the band classroom audio system once marching band season is over. It will replace the current small stereo system that is now obsolete.
Troy Buchanan High School– iPad Accessories for Photo and Video– $1814
Ms. Rosemary Ziegler was awarded a grant for various tripods, to allow all students access to high-qualitytechnological tools to further and increase the quality of their learning. The tripods awarded will assist students in creating more professional stop-motion movies as well as other artworks using a digital interface. Students will be better prepared for a digital society and future professions in technology.
Troy Middle School – Non-traditional Game Equipment - $2434
Ms. Krista Saxe was awarded this grant to introduced students to several non-traditional games as a way to get their students actively engaged in physical education. Non-traditional games/activates give students the opportunity to experience something for the very first time and develop a passion for it. Examples include Lacrosse, Cricket, Tchoukball, Spikeball, Ramp Shot and others.
Troy Middle School – Fitness Room Equipment - $1995
This grant, written by Ms. Krista Saxe, will allow Troy Middle School students to start the school year off with new fitness equipment. The added equipment will help the PE department teach a variety of functional movements, stability, strength, and more while utilizing their freshly remodeled fitness room.
Boone Elementary– Every Child Deserves a Voice- $2405
Ms. Linel Shramek, autism teacher, is promoting communication with her students. Non-verbal students will begin using iPads with a Touch Chat app to allow them to communicate with teachers and peers throughout the school day.
Cuivre Park Elementary, Main Street Elementary, William Cappel Elementary, Troy South Middle School
Speech and Language Therapy Services iPads and Apps – 5 grants totaling $6693
Ms. Andrea Duffie ($1314), Ms. Amy Blevins ($1190), Ms. Alesha McNelly ($1286), Ms. Sheri Loftsgard ($783), and Ms. Meagan Lawson ($2120), were awarded 5 grants to purchase new large storage iPads and apps to facilitate and enhance speech and language therapy services.
Early Childhood Education Center – Parents as Teachers, Group Connections - $2500
With the support of a grant written by Ms. Linda Schmid, Lincoln County R-III Parents as Teachers will be able to provide monthly parenting groups for parents. This will support them in all areas of parenting and child development.