​silver lEVEL

2015 Grant Awards 

 Central Office
Amount: $18,648
This grant helps further implement Adaptive Schools: Developing Collaborative Groups among District staff to teach new learning methods and improve student achievement. Staff member within the R-III School District will receive multiple days of instruction on Adaptive Schools from a national trainer learning different structures used in an educational setting for over two decades. This grant will not only enlighten current employees in the district but future employees in subsequent years.

Main Street Elementary
Amount: $17,500
Main Street Elementary students now have the opportunity to become global learners due to 30 laptops being awarded to their school. Students can now go beyond the curriculum and explore the world outside of the classroom. Have technology available on a daily basis allows the school to bridge the digital divide that is prevalent in the student body. This technology demonstrates a great use of rigor and relevance breaking down abstract concepts using visual and auditory simulation and tools.

Claude Brown Elementary
Amount: $2,673.07
This grant provides materials and funds allowing special education teachers to implement a weekly life-skills class for students who receive special education services.  Research shows that students with disabilities are less likely than same-aged peers in the general population to be productive and engaged in the community after high school, less likely to live independently, and less likely to be financially independent. This grant is a step toward increasing independence amongst students with disabilities through early intervention at the elementary school level.

Claude Brown Elementary
Amount: $10,000
A review of studies centered on iPads in the classroom has noted that students score higher on literacy tests, and math scores increased 20% with the use of iPads. Through this grant, Claude Brown Elementary will acquire 20 new iPads. Their primary purpose of these devices is to supplement classroom technology resources and enrich student learning. The iPads will also be used for communication between classroom teachers and parents, using apps like Class Dojo, which allows teachers to comment about students concerns throughout the day.

Ninth Grade Center and Troy Buchanan High School
Amount: $6,595
This award was given to expand VEX robotics, currently in TMS, to NGC and TBHS students. This grant allows the TBHS TSA to purchase equipment and pay fees for the three additional VEX Robotics Teams.

Troy Buchanan High School
Amount: $18,500
This grant comprises of 30 new laptops, in which will replace out-of-date laptops, and two new charging carts that will be utilized by the high school at large. Faculty members can request the laptops to be brought to their classroom saving valuable time and allowing students to utilize technology in the classroom. The second charging cart helps ensure the battery life of the laptops while they are out of the library. With this addition of laptops, a minimum of four more classes a day will have access to technology.  

Cuivre Park Elementary
Amount: $817.50
Students with Intellectual Disabilities require significantly more opportunities to apply learned skills that their typically developing peers in order for transferring and generalization to occur. This grant gives these students the opportunity to apply their skills in the community in real situations. These experiences to transfer learning will have an enormous impact on their post-secondary transition to adulthood.

New Horizons High School
Amount: $19,000
Thirty laptops and a charging cart was awarded to New Horizons High School to support literacy, credit recovery, and test preparation. The overall mission is to graduate as many college and career-ready students each year as possible. With these new enhanced Internet capabilities minimal Internet disruptions and time off tasks will be reduced; therefore, students now have consistent technology readily available at any time at their fingertips.

Troy Middle School, Ninth Grade Center, and Troy Buchanan High School
Amount: $6,506.82
Project Lead the Way, a pre-engineering curriculum, was granted three 3-D printers for Troy Middle School, Ninth Grade Center, and Troy Buchanan High School. With these 3-D printers, students are able to use 3-D design software to create 3-D prototypes of their computer-generated models. Students will now be able to master these printers and have the skills to better prepare them for college engineering fields in which they will need knowledge of design and prototyping.

Ninth Grade Center
Amount: $19,052.18
Students need to be familiar with the set up in which End of Course exams are displayed. Therefore, by providing 30 iPads, a charging cart and associated software students are able to view rigorous and relative questions providing parallel exposure potentially yielding higher test results. Students will be able to work with this software daily in hopes to increase student academia.


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