​silver lEVEL

Grant Program for Lincoln R-III Educators


To partner with like minded citizenry to advance our communities and promote education excellence. ​

Technology has become an integral part of our society. It’s part of everything we do, including how we learn and teach. R-III has a goal to incorporate technology into most curriculum and instruction for ALL students within the next few years. LCR3EF is excited to foster this important initiative and provide R3 supporters with an opportunity to help.


  •  Provide funding from donors to advance the District’s mission and strategic plan in support of  student achievement with integrity

  •  Serve as catalysts for creating partnerships with  the community and the Lincoln County R-III  School District

  • Ensure the perpetuity of the Foundation by    creating an endowment and observing prudent  fiscal policy​

​​​​​​​Instructional Initiative
With innovative instructional initiatives, teachers are able to continuously improve instructional design and assessment for student mastery of content and skills. LCR3EF funds initiatives that help the classroom teacher prepare R3 students for the ever-changing and modern world of information. Helping each young mind find and develop their own set of skills and passions, these funds are essential for career and college preparedness.

​​​​​​​Student Enrichment
LCR3EF funds enrichment initiatives pre-K through senior year to facilitate childrens' sparkling imaginations, fertile minds and a willingness to take risks with what they think. Examples include before and after school programs, special field trips such as the Ag Education TABLE program and events such as Math Week.


To have a philanthropic community culture that enriches opportunities to maximize the potential of all children in the Lincoln County R-III School District

We support education excellence in the Lincoln County R-III School District by funding projects and programs not otherwise possible within the constraints of the District’s annual operating budget.  District educators submit grant requests in the areas of technology, student enrichment and instructional initiatives which we evaluate against the District’s strategic plan and a point scoring system.

​​​​​​​Parents as Teachers
Grounded in the latest research, Parents as Teachers (PAT) develops curricula that support a parent’s role in promoting school readiness and

healthy development of children. The PAT

approach is intimate and relationship-based.

Contact us to learn about sponsorship opportunities





2023-24 SPONSORS